Testing Different Themes (# 1 SuperHero)

Change one "Theme" file to completely change the look of the site! More themes can be viewed at Bootswatch

Panel Styles

Panel "default" (heading)

Panel "primary"

Panel "info"

Panel "success"

Panel "warning"

Panel "danger"

Panel Body

List Groups

  • First item (default)
  • Second item (primary)
  • Third item (info)
  • Fourth (success)
  • Fifth item (warning)
  • Sixth item (danger)

Text "Class" Color

Font-size 110% below

"Class" = "text-default".

"'Class" = "text-primary".

"'Class" = "text-info".

"'Class" = "text-success".

"'Class" = "text-warning".

"Class" = "text-danger"

"'Class" = "text-muted".

Text "background-color"

Text BG = "bg-default".

Text BG = "bg-primary".

Text BG = "bg-info".

Text BG = "bg-success".

Text BG = "bg-warning".

Text BG = "bg-danger".

Headings + Text

Heading - h3 Strong

Heading - h4 Strong Italics

Heading - h5 Strong Italics
Heading - h6 Strong Italics

120% StrongTypography 123 &%@# - Italics

110% StrongTypography 123 &%@# - Italics

105% StrongTypography 123 &%@# - Italics

"default" StrongTypography 123 &%@# - Italics


Copyright 2015 by G. Douglas Hobkirk II (GDH2)

Acton, Massachusetts, USA